Saturday, June 23, 2012


He calls me and I don’t know why.
In my mind, when a thing is over, it’s over.

Revisiting a tomb to plunder it
Plucking the dull, ruby eyes off a slumbering mummy
Is sacrilegious and indecent.

Worse, it is inconsistent.

Still he drones on in that familiar monotone
As if nothing has changed
Forcing me – the exquisite desiccated –
To rise wearily and perform our old,
            Macabre dance.

His voice on the phone summons
The creature I was
Before I killed that daydream and put away the
Doll face he used to kiss
With glassy eyes.

Silly to mourn a face so tight and artificial.

Meanwhile, we make awkward silence
            Punctuated by jerky words that
Sting my tongue like novocaine.

I make an excuse and hang up the phone.

The kitchen sink is drenched in setting sun.

Sighing softly, I put the water on for tea
And remind myself to get caller ID.

 © Jane Park

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